2008 review, 2009 goals

I am with Lory, no resolutions, only goals for 2009. 1. Work on better fitting of clothes for me. 2. Make about 1/2 of the clothes for the girls. 3. Make a 40's vintage dress and finish the brown one. 4. Try a 50's or 60's dress (step outside the box). 5. A real challenge, a 30's pattern. 6. Learn how to serge better and master more functions on my Bernina. 7. Bound buttonholes/a lightweight jacket or short coat using them. 8. Finish some ufo's and use them or give them away as presents (kids clothes) 9. Become more organized in the home and in sewing. Now for the review of finished items: Before this blog and PR and may or may not have photos: 1. Blue paisley skirt and blue/green floral skirt, using "Sew What, Skirts" as a guide: The paisley is ok, the floral needs adjustment as it is too large in the hips and looks sloppy. Both are basic A-line with elastic waists. After the blog: For me: 1. Black cherries dress from a vintage Simplicity wrap dress S39...