NL 6901

OK, Yesterday I muslined the bodice of the Simplicity mentioned before, pretty nice fit. I still plan on the Sophia Rayon Double Knit.
I also muslined in a cheap CHEAP Joann poly knit, NL 6901. I worked out most issues by doing a half-way FBA, adding to the sides and flattening the shoulder. Enough to feel comfortable making it in this Rayon Jersey from Gorgeous Fabrics I just got on Thursday, no stashing this one. It is a beautiful print, hand, drape. I also stayed the back neck and shoulders with fusible stay tape from There are no instructions for finishing the facings off, I added bias tape to the front cowl facing and serged the back facing. I know knits should not ravel, but still... I hate when patterns ask you to gather and set-in a sleeve on knits. If you want an easier way, use Threads magazine's suggestion on doing it flat construction. I know many of you bloggers do that already but for the beginners, it works great. I tried it for the first time when I first started sewing and never looked back. I even do some wovens that way, just more pinning needed. Especially on little clothes.


KID, MD said…
That fabric is beautiful! I have tis pattern in my stash - I can't wait to see how it comes out! And I agree - easing a knit sleeve is so silly!!
gwensews said…
That is beautiful fabric. It will make a gorgoue top. Good luck!
Oh what pretty fabric! I always set in knit sleeves flat - I ignore all pattern instructions that instruct otherwise.

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