A hot day got hotter...

Today was promising to be a pretty warm day, our high is 98 deg., but it feels like much more with the heat index. We have had up to 108 recently and little rain. Then the house, set on 80, started getting higher and higher, up to 85. We called a friend who works for an A/C guy locally and he had him come over, too. Our capicitor in the outside unit went out. Luckily he replaced it and the house is getting better. If you live in Texas, south Texas, you will know what it felt like. Yuck, yuck and yuck... Needless to say, too hot to sew, that room gets hot anyways. Will work on something later...


KID, MD said…
Oh no!!! I'm glad it was fixed quickly!
Lory said…
I can completely relate, this weather is crazy.
My capacitor blew out last year and it was HOT. I asked the a/c guy if it was a flux capacitor, but he did not laugh at my joke.

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