
A preliminary photo of the Sweetest Little Dress, you can see my embroidery is not the world's greatest, but it will suffice.

This is my new TNT, the white top in the lower left, you can't tell, but it is really a box top. I curved the sides in and created a little kimono-type sleeve (like the little dress has) and made a gently sloped v-neck, no facing. It is out of my last piece of epaisse knit crepe from That stuff is so cool to work with. I hope they carry it again soon. I will buy many pieces of it. This is a cool top to work with, 1 yard of 60" wide, works better with knits, you can just turn under the neck, hems with steam a seam then topstitch down. I made it in an evening around kids' baths, etc.

BTW, the wet spot on the bed cover is from the baby's wet head after bath, nothing else!
My DH just got home, so I will end this one, good night!


I like the top! I'm guessing that pattern is OOP? I'm looking for something like that to be a basic top for embellishing.

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