Houston, we (may) have a problem...

The violet bouquet dress is coming together nicely, except (!) as I forgot on little girl vintage patterns, it may be a bit short from the waist down. Look at the pattern illustrations, please. I need to remember this! It appears to be at or above knee length. She likes them right below the knee. I utilized Summerset's preferred method of bias facing the circular hem, so I did not use up the 3" hem th pattern calls for. I will finalize that once the bodice and skirt are basted together for a fitting. I may have to insert a midriff to give length at the waist to drop the skirt down a bit. That would give me a good place to insert sash ties, too. I am doing hand work now, of tacking facings, cleaning up the inside, etc. I have the bodice otherwise completed, even buttonholes sewn in and the skirt and skirt lining are basted together, the lining has a lace trimmed hem and the facing is on the skirt and pinned in place pending a fitting. I have worked fast on this one, at least fast for me. I will need to go to Hancocks later this week for appropriate buttons and fabric for a tie if I do not have enough scraps for the ties and midriff.


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