Making a sick 5 year old happy to go to bed...

The oldest son got sick with the crud I had and was coughing and sputtering all day yesterday. He gets sick from me since I have to carry him so much to change, bathe, etc. (he's the one with CP). Carry him to the wheelchair, high chair, bed, bath, etc... For 27 lbs, but no real body support, he is so heavy! Anyway, I got the bright idea to take a Thomas the Tank Engine flannel remnant and use the Simplicity pants pattern to make him PJ pants. Easy peasy ones, that I embellished with bias binding casing for the waist in navy, and binding for the hem, but covering both right and wrong sides to be an edging. They fit perfectly and he was in 7th heaven. In fact, I am working on them at 7:30 last night, he refused to bathe until they were done. More than once, he would look over at me and say, "I'm waiting..." or tell the others "Leave Mommy alone so she can finish my pajama pants". Yeah, he's a barrel of monkeys all by himself. His brain damage does not extend to his intelligence or his sense of humor. He can keep up verbally with the rest and the best of them! Makes for a priceless moment (one happy little boy with his new pants, like the mastercard commercials).


Cute story! I'm glad the PJs did the trick to get him to rest up and get well.

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