I am still here...

I have not been well lately, reflux, sore, tired, etc., but still plugging away at some things. I finished two tops for my daughter, one with Simplicity 4568 and one with Jalie Criss Cross, both size 8. Both are tshirt knits. The camo is the Jalie, which was a real pain to finish to get all pieces held in the sides. The green is the Simplicity, made from a shirt I never used, and has a twisted neckline, compliments of Christina's blog, Assorted Notions. I could have done a better job, but she likes it, and for my girl to wear it without complaint, that is a compliment. Her friend wants a Jalie top now. Yeah, right. I may do a PR later, but I cannot keep up right now. There has been so much stress on me since December, I just can't stay with anything. Then I have had muscle spasms in my neck, thinking it is from the stress. With my DH's work being slow, I am getting really worried. I can't go to work with all these kids. In a rural area like this, the pay is not good, day care for two would eat it up. I have been resting when the baby takes a nap, if I need it, hoping the rest will ease some of it. This is the first day in two weeks I have felt somewhat ok. I spent the afternoon with cross stitch and a movie, so that is progress. I have a wall quilt almost done, too. Hopefully more to post soon.


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