Out of touch, sick

I hadn't been doing much as I caught a winter cold/brochitis, and have been laying low for a few days. I can't keep focused when I am coughing and sneezing alot. I have been taking a lot of naps, too. I have worked on the oldest's pants some, but really haven't done much of anything other than laundry, basics at home.

I did read some of the other blogs. Carolyn's post about TNT's was great. She is a great example of developing TNT's that work for you and using them as a jumping-off point to keep in fashion. If you think about it, most patterns are a basic shape for a top, skirt, etc. and then add details, length, width, etc. If you already have that basic shape down, you can change it as your needs dictate. Something to explore this year as a goal.

Well, that's it for now, I need to get back to the dishes.


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