Update on sick kid, etc.

Well son #1 went to the dr. this morning, had large tonsils and red ears, so he was prescribed antibiotics and also got a flu shot since he had the flu last year and is so little for his size, etc. My car was ready, so we also went and picked it up. I have managed to cut out a test for oldest's Christmas dress and will baste it together in a little bit, when the baby goes down for nap... I also managed to put together partially a pajama pant for her using the serger for practice and have a nightshirt cut out for real serger practice. It is pretty cold & sunny, low 60's daytime and 30's at night, lots of wind. I need a jacket.

Also got some mailbox surprises:
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi_GgYHtz7RT2ciZDivF6_If25dnnPV1y-_RqpVr_3cHt3kpjjW501dBWnJarB0Bm37uSo4-buLjP6zA8sB-mJUfKuNwpc0xwf07TMNmj3phA3z1vRaakIM79El-w-9_5GCbRC4eA9fPq0/s1600-h/100_1146%5B1%5D">

And a plug to these ebay sellers: The charms and yardage from Country Stittches, bought from her before, speedy service, adjusted shipping, etc. The patterns from Linda's Sew Be It, great selection and combined shipping, quick ship, etc. I am also waiting on another pattern from someone else of ladies pajamas with a mandarin collar jacket.

More later...


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