Hurricane preparations

Right now, we have been glued to the internet watching the hurricane status. Early this morning, it appeared the eye would pass directly over us, coming in via San Antonio Bay and crossing over land through Yorktown/Cuero area. Now it appears to have shifted towards Matagorda Bay, Palacios area, which is headed toward Houston, and then veering northeast toward SE Oklahoma, crossing I45 north of Houston. We are still under the watch and are still predicted to have winds up to 85 mph and lots of rain... No school for the remainder of the week. Yippee for them, but 4 kids locked in the house, whoa. The festival is postponed to next week, too.

I worked on the pink/brown leopard top. All went well, except for the point area where the "skirt" and bodice meet in the center. I had to rip the area out and will have to resew it straight. I also added a strip of elastic to shirr the area between the breasts as it looked so flat. Much better. Hem is still needed. I don't know why, but I am so unmotivated, hazy, tired (baby not sleeping all night has a bit to do with it) and need to snap out of it. My eyes are also bothering me for up close work, so this may have something to do with it. Age...


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