Not much sewing going on here, but I have been cruising the internet more than usual and was not feeling well today. I came across a post on a blog today (Gertie) about whether vintage clothes are oppressive, going backwards. I do not think this at all, I think it is individuality, flattering and enhancing the feminine look, wishing for simpler life and times, and probably other ideas out there. I also believe men and women are different, but capable of being equals in various ways, but there are things that are inherently male and female. Different but equal. And have no problem with dressing up the physical to be attractive. Not to the extreme, but to look neat, appropriately dressed, made-up. I am not a feminist in the traditional sense, I am a stay at home mom with kids. I believe the differences are good. Now, I do believe in equal pay for equal work, but does that mean I want to do the heavy industrial physical work? No, but I know some women will and can. If they are c...