Not much going on

Not much accomplished with all these kids, but I did get some more back issues of Burda WOF. I muslined one from 4/08, can't remember if it's 113, the one that is in the mocha section with 3 ruffles on the lower part of the bodice. I was surprised at how much better that fit me than anything from the big 4 companies. I only had to make a couple of minor adjustments and if the fabric has some give to it, it should be fine. I have cut out the pattern in an inexpensive crinkle polyester to see how a fabric with some give will work. If it works, I have some kiwi knit crepe I would like to make it in, so we will see...
Some much wanted rain yesterday cooled off the 99+ deg. weather, but the high today will still be in the mid 90's.


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