Good Riddance 2009
Now I think this has been one of the hardest years of our lives, not sure why. I spent alot of the year fighting acid reflux, brought on by nerves, I guess, since it was a very rough financial year for us. 2009 saw a lot of people we knew pass on, too, family and friends, and some were very quick from diagnosis to death. That also contributed to my outlook. Despite it all, I have 4 very smart kids, who are too ingenious for their own well-beings, and that also contributes to my frustration. But I wouldn't trade them for the world. Now that past, our 2010 horoscopes, which I half believe, some is coincidence, are good on outlooks, so maybe we'll see some reward for our efforts made in 2009. Let's hope & pray... On the sewing front, I had goals set a year ago: 1. Work on better fitting of clothes for me. - I have learned some fitting skills from books and magazines, made a discovery that princess cut bodices can be my friend, and I look better in semi-fitted items...