Not necessarily about sewing today
but I have been working on a baby blankie for a baby present for this weekend. I know of 6 babies needing presents, 2 of which are already (recently) born. Time to get cracking! No, what I am blogging about today is my daughter in 2nd grade. She said they held "elections" (just like we did in 3rd grade for Ford vs Carter, gosh, I am old!) and she voted for Obama. Now some of you reading may be Obama supporters and I am not trying to offend anyone, please bear with me. We do not support him due to our religious beliefs (pro-life) and for other reasons. Do we love McCain? Maybe not 100%, but he is pro-life and more conservative, but he is not who we had wished to be on the ticket originally. This is a very conservative small town, too, in a ranching and farming area. But, in questioning her, she could only remember Obama's name (probably because it is unique). She said her teacher had not endorsed him, so that is good, because the teacher should not endorse anyone...