Free Patterns!

Two to give away, two drawings:

1st up: McCall 5742, the Christmas dress for the oldest. I have no intention of making this one again. The dress is cut to the largest size, but I did cut off the skirts, the extensions are present. Would need to be taped. It is a great party dress for sizes 6-7-8. Could also be made in baby cord, broadcloth, velveteen, linen blends. Would also make a great Easter dress.

2nd up: Simplicity 2929, I did not like this style for me. It was not good on me, I guess I am too short and roundish, so I looked like a puff! But someone else may have better luck! Now I cut out View B, the black polka dot on the model, in an 18. It is suitable for silkies, Challis, Brepe Back Satin, Jacquards, Silk-Rayons, Gauze, Double Georgette, Jerseys, lightweight linen blends. One or two bodice piece(s) is(are) slightly mangled from the baby reaching out and grabbing it. I managed to work with it. The skirt is fine, I think. Of course, since I did not use the sleeveless version, that is still intact. I think view C, the rounded sleeved version, is also not cut out. If you are adventurous...

Leave a comment and specify which you prefer or if you are impartial. I will draw Sunday.


Anonymous said…
I did comment on the woman's dress last week! Then I had to repair windows and it took forever to get up! Oh no!

(I love the kids dresses but I am done with all that!)
Dee M said…
The girl's dress is a nice style. Have a 4 y/o granddaughter just starting to sew for. Might be a bit large this year but she's in a 5 now. Good idea on the giveaway. I have a few I accidentally bought 2 of and might try doing that.

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