New Year, Fresh Start Quilt Top #2

The status of the top as it is on my kitchen wall - I use a piece of flannel that has a nylon backside for a "design wall". It's tacked up there. I have played with the pieces since yesterday, now the strips need to be sewn into blocks in groups of 4 showing 16 little sqaures. The large beige blocks are to be embellished with antique or vintage laces, doilies, eyelet, linen. I will work on it more tonight, soup needs to be started for dinner.


Donna said…
Love your quilt blocks and your design wall idea! I so wish I was quilting, but I would feel so guilty to do another top when I have several still needing to be quilted. I may break down and machine quilt them. Why am I such a purist when it comes to that?

I really admire the style of quilt you are doing. I've always been amazed at people who make more artsy quilts. This one definitely falls in that category.

Loved your comment!


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