Silent but busy

I have been sewing alot lately. I had booths in two craft shows, table runners, crayon rolls, other items. Did pretty well, too, for church related shows. I am now finishing my holiday dress from a vintage Simplicity and attempting to make a little wrap from a McCalls pattern with the free HP wrap on as its inspiration for the opening/drape. Not really sure about it at this point. We have a K of C dinner this weekend so I got to finish tomorrow. Next up, holiday dresses for the girls. The baby is easy, just a straight size 2 overall, but she is thin and long waisted. Her height is 36", she has a B to W of 10" and needs a 15" skirt to fall under the knees. In comparison, the oldest at 9 is 54" tall, needs a B to W of 13", I think (the paper I wrote on is in the kitchen). So I will post more later - we're going Christmas shopping this morning while the kids are in school :)


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