A tag question post and we're still hot

The a/c guy has the part, he's in another town on a repair and will hopefully be here soon, it's 5:48 right now and 91 deg in my house, so keep the fingers crossed...

I am biting on the tag question from Katie www.katiekadiddlehopper.blogspot.com

1. Which pattern/vintage style have you been thinking the most about lately?
Vintage 40's blouses, but I am too hot to sew right now :)

2. What's the one place that you want to visit that you've never been before?
Europe, such as Italy, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, any and all...

3. How do you relax?
Sew, read, crochet, watch NCIS or In Plain Sight, Deadliest Catch or History Channel

4. What is your favorite holiday?
I don't know, all are good.

5. What is one sewing skill you want to learn/try out?
Making a jacket, coat, but I cannot get enough time.

6. Can you knit? crochet? other crafting talents?
Crochet, cross stitch, decorate cakes

7. What garment/accessory do you wear the most?
My TNT tops and my wrap dress

8. How much time do you spend reading blogs? (per day or week)
Too much instead of actually sewing, maybe an hour over the course of the day, 5 min here and there.

Eight others should pick up this tag, you pick...


KID, MD said…
I'm so glad you picked it up! It's so fun to get to know some of those "other things" that don't always come out in regular blogging. It sounds like you and I should head out on vacation together!

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