Simplicity 8827 Back Wrap Dress

Ok, I had previously shown this pattern and plans for it using coral linen and underlining it. This dress is now underway. After being sick, I had only managed the basting of the linen to the underlining. I do not have enough for shaped facings and nothing on hand that I liked. I have made continuous bias from the linen and plan on that instead. The sleeves use the hem lace. I have the sleeves put together waiting for hems, I have the shoulder seams and darts done. I have one side seam done. Around the kids today, that is a lot of progress. Clearly, it will not be done for tomorrow. I did v-neck the front neck, but may round that out some, the original was a pretty high neckline as are many vintage patterns. I will put lingerie straps to help keep it in place. I did check the fit today and it seems pretty good, considering I did add to the waist area and reduce the waist darts and lower/shorten the side bust darts. Funny, I should have enlarged the sleeve/bicep a bit. The previous owner must have had my figure as she also had markings of enlarging the waist and hips and biceps. When I enlarged the waist, I should have listened to her. Hopefully, I will get more done tomorrow or Monday. I was worried that the light muslin would make the dress too heavy, but it seems more stable than linen alone. The shoulders are done with the underlining SA wrapping the linen SA, like a HK finish. Forget that for the side seams, they are zigzagged together on each side of the seam, trimmed and pressed open. I am not ironing and wrapping all that much.


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