Me Made May

Although not participating officially, I have been making a conscious effort to wear my handmade things. On the first, I wore a green shirt made two years ago. I know why it doesn't look good now. It needs a swayback adjustment, empire bodice lengthening and it makes me look pregnant. On the second, I wore all RTW. On the third, the NL top I made last fall, in black floral from Gorgeous Fabrics. Today, the green and black knit crepe top I made two summers ago. Now this was before I knew about stabilizing knits, but it still is a great, relaxed top. Tomorrow, who knows. Thursday evening, maybe my wrap dress when we go up to church. After that, unknowns.

I have basted the underlining and linen together for the Simplicity back wrap dress pattern featured a few posts back. I am taking things as they come, I have one free day a week and having terrible allergy symptoms lately. On top of that, I was cutting a serrano pepper for the pinto beans. You know what comes next, pepper in the face. I washed up, but guess I had some of the residue under my nails. The effects are all along the front of my face, adding to the burning I already felt in my sinuses. I do want to get the dress done for mothers day, but if not, oh well.


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