Sunday Dress #1 for the oldest

McCall's 5616, bought either last summer or summer before, for the oldest. I wanted her to have a big girl-styled dress without being too grown-up. Used a cotton for the body and black broadcloth for yoke and hem band. Made size 10. Only thing is I am having a heck of a time with zippers right now, shifting. I had to put this in twice. I did lapped as it was white and there are so many colors involved. It called for 16", but it only made it to the bottom of the yoke, so I stopped it there and have only closed the yoke back with hook and eye. Her hair is long, no one will notice. I hope it fits, it should as I just used a McCalls 10 for Easter. I never tried it on her after I put the bodice together. My mistake. She got some cute slides in white last night that should work well with this. If it fits her well, I may make another one in plisse or seersucker. She needs 3 summer dresses for church so that she can rotate them. I never make more than that - they will never get worn that much, so it is a waste to me to go crazy and make more than three.

Parting shot of some flowers in my front yard, wild verbena and bluebonnets, Knock-out roses with the metal vulture looking on...


KID, MD said…
I love the floral embroidery on the yoke! So pretty with all the colors in the dress.
Julia said…
I'm trying to decide what to make for my oldest grand daughter's 10th birthday. They do want to look a little bit more grown up at that age. This one is perfect!
Myra said…
Julia, the yoke instructions, I did not read first, so I had to finish mine off by hand over the whole yoke. Also, it said to ease the hem band on to the dress, but it actually was the opposite for me. I also eased it step by step rather than a gathering stitch as I sewed the hem band on, then the slipstitch step where you finish it, I eased it in by hand as I hand stitched. Otherwise I think it is pretty self-explanatory. Just my zipper was hard to put in, so you might consider a longer one. I still need to make a belt-tie for her to knot/tie in front.
Gay Vaughan said…
Found you through the Texas Blogging Gals and can't wait to get to know you better!
gwensews said…
What a cute summer dress! Love the yoke!
Beautiful flowers! I think the dress strikes a nice balance between grown up but still age appropriate.
Myra said…
I think so, too, Trena. She liked wearing this one yesterday to church with white sandals.

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