I am sewing...

despite my having been sick now Mike is sick. I have begun hand quilting the Broken Dishes wallhanging. I am about 1/2 done with the interior blocks. I was going to machine quilt it but got cold feet. I wanted a primitive look with those wonderful colors.

I have shelved the McCall blouse for a few days, need to work out some fit issues, it about fits, but not quite. I think in the double knit it will work but the woven, it's a bit confining. That could be me, though, as I wear mostly knit tops.

I am constructing a NL jumper, bought the pattern at the thrift store for 10 cents, from 1995. Actually quite cute with princess lines on the bodice and an A-line skirt, which I lengthened about 4 inches. I am not used to above the knee skirts. I can always trim it later. I am using a bargain table microfiber from Hancocks, in a grey. I have the skirt about done.

On another note, last night my oldest was saying her prayers and the baby echoed "Amen." Then they both started giggling. Tonight, my oldest son, with cerebral palsy, asked to sleep on his back on a pillow (he usually sleeps on his stomach curled up) with his teddy bear, like a big boy. So sweet, he can be.

Good night, ya'll.


We've never been a quilting family, but occasionally my mom, sister, and I would somehow end up in the living room with a huge quilt frame to do hand quilting. It's a lot of work but really makes for a special piece!

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