And the patterns are flying...

out the door. I have sold 7 patterns between Saturday and today, and continue to add more in small batches. With 4 kids, I can only be at the computer so long. The housework and cooking and laundry is enough to keep 3 people busy around here. I added a 50's pattern today, and have another 2 to add, these are larger bust sizes, 38 and 40. I am also handquilting in spurts today. I will take a photo this evening of the wall hanging made from scraps from the Dresden plate blocks. Thanks to Little Hunting Creek for directing Peter to the shop, and anyone else who has helped me out by purchasing or promoting. I love you bloggers, so supportive!


julia said…
With four kids, I don't know how you get anything done!! I think you've emailed me before, but would you mind doing it again. I cleaned out my email yesterday, and I accidentally deleted some that I meant to save.

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