Under the weather

I have a headache that is on day #2. I have been plugging away at the dresden plate blocks and am finishing the machine applique on the last one tonight. Next, squaring up and trimming, then I can hand them over to the lady next door who is putting them together for Barbara, the lady who asked me to make it. It will be out of my hands. :)

I have some UFO's to finish as well as work on the McCall blouse and black Simplicity dress. My question to you for more expert advice, on the blouse, since I am closing the back seam up with only a small neck opening and one button, what about the back facing? The original had you make a duplicate of the center sections from the princess portions. My gut is to ditch the front facing as well and make self-fabric bias binding and turn it to the inside, like vintage patterns have you do and also use that on the back opening or use it like regular bias binding as the edge. Anything else would be too obvious, I think. I need suggestions, please.

I love sewing garments and will need to beef up my wardrobe soon as many of my clothes are OLD and getting worn. I am also itching to make quilt blocks, too. My focus may be scattered this year. My goal is to work on some of the UFO's. especially those that weren't "right" and make them work. Wish me luck that the headache dissipates soon.


KID, MD said…
I hope the headache is better soon! That sort of thing sure takes all the bloom out of life. I like the idea of a bias binding in place of facings, but then, I'm all for as few facings as possible!!
julia said…
I pray that you awake in the morning without a headache and that it stays away all day.
I think the idea of the bias binding on the neck of the blouse is a good one.
I hope you feel better soon. I like both quilting and garment sewing and am always torn between them

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