Marching into January

I have started the new year out slowly, working on B's quilt (has it really been a little over a year since I started, procrastination is bad) but she finally paid me for the fabric so I need to finish and will be soon.

I have also bought M 2818 an older Palmer Pletsch pattern to make a basic shell top. Now I abhor blouses that are buttoned up the back, so I read reviews of it and may amend it to one button at the top of the nack in back. I muslined it and found I needed to lengthen it a bit for personal taste. I also have another Simplicity 2473 in black sophia double knit cut out. That's all I am cutting out for now since I have UFO's into infinity to finish (well, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but there are alot).


KID, MD said…
Cute top pattern! Those princess seams should be very flattering. I can see that it might need to be lengthened, though - it looks short. I wonder who thought buttons up the back was a good idea?? I can never get to the one in the middle by myself. I like the single button at the top idea - much easier to do without a handmaid or valet!
Buttons in the back are pretty but inconvenient. I like your solution better
To me, back buttons are just bragging that you're married. Since I'm back buttons for me. Also, the look is a little dated--that part of the 80s hasn't come back yet. A back nape button will be much nicer!

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