Trying to get back to normal

Well, the funeral was yesterday, the church festival this weekend, tomorrow is Joseph's birthday/death date. Hopefully, life will return to normal soon.

En route to Houston, the car was shimmying a bit, more so after the burial on the way to the reception. Luckily, we pulled into a Walmart and had a tire replaced due to tread separating and the tires are only 2 years old. Thank God, it happened while the kids were at my in-laws. We pulled in to our driveway about midnight, so I am feeling it now.

The kids are all bathed and watching tv, so they will go to bed soon and so will we...


gwensews said…
Sounds like you need to draw a bath, light a candle, get your favorite drink and relax for a while. Hope things go better for you.
KID, MD said…
I'm hoping that things are on the upswing for you.
Bek said…
Sound like a rough time. I hope that you can move through the sadness that is surrounding you and have some peace soon.

I'm glad you made you way home safely and got the tyre changed before anything happened.

On a different note, I put something in the mail for you little while ago. I hope it will make it's journey to you (on the other side of the world!) safely.

Bek x
Myra said…
I like Gwen's, a modern day Calgon moment!
Myra said…
I did receive Bek's Pay it Forward, when I get a chance I will post a photo, so cute... Thank you!

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