RIP Grandma Susie

circa 1968, with me

Grandma Susie passed away last night while we were attending the rosary for a lady who passed away this weekend who went to church with us. She had her four children in attendance and some of the grandchildren. She was 90 years old. The last of our grandparents on my side and Mike's have now all passed. It is the passing of that generation, the toughest generation, those that survived the real Great Depression, who knew how to make do or do without, make something from practically nothing. Real ingenuity and tough spirits.


Gail said…
Remember your grandma fondly. I loved my grandmother so much she died at 96 about 30 years ago now. My eldest daughter is named for her. I regret that my children have grown up without meeting two of their grandparents (long deceased) and not knowing the other two due to distance.
gwensews said…
I'm so sorry. Losing a loved one is always a difficult time in our lives. I wish you well.
Julia said…
I'll be thinking about you and your family. Isn't it wonderful to have the memories though?
Myra.- como ya te dije en FB, de veras que siento mucho la pérdida de tu abuela. Que bonita foto buscastes para ilustrar la historia. Gracias por compartir.

Un abrazo, Paco

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