Not been in the mood to post much lately

even though I have been trying to sew. I am working on some things for the church auction next weekend, as well as clothes for the kids and me. Just can't get anything finished, some stumbling block or error pops up in the way and can't get past them. Also, been pensive because this is the 7th anniversary/birthday/death day of our first son coming up on Sept 16. He was born very prematurely, I probably posted it last year, and as that day approaches, I always get blue. It gets better each year, but it's still there... Also oldest son's birthday is Sept 12. I had him prematurely a year after Joseph, two months before he should have been born. I also lost another pregnancy in September a few years ago. September is not a good month for us. Another reason for the disordered mind is my grandmother's dying. We are basically gearing up for the inevitable, she is in hospice, failing a bit more every day. She has lived a long life, seen great-great grandchildren born, something not many get to see. So, I am a bit absent-minded and not motivated at times. I do have to finish the church items asap, so hopefully there will be some photos soon.


KID, MD said…
I'm sorry you are having a tough month. I'm hoping for the best for you and your grandmother.

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