Simplicity 4568 and butterflies

Amidst all the other projects going on in my sewing station, I chose to cut this one out of the butterfly fabric to make a quick sleeveless top for my oldest to wear tonight with tan colored capris. She is going to spend a few days with the grandparents now that school is out and they were going to a neighborhood dinner gathering tonight (she doesn't know, so my mom is springing this one on her when she gets there in a bit). All her tops are "worn" so I got busy, cranked it out in spurts starting at 6:30 am and finishing at 4 pm. I did the sleeveless view, only a band of ecru cluny lace at the waist, and eliminated facings, opting to line the upper bodice in ecru broadcloth. (I hate facings and interfacing if it can be eliminated, I will) I machine sewed it at the neck then marked, clipped and hand sewed the armholes before doing side seams. The trick with this blouse (I have made it before) is to flat construct it, at least for me it is. So, do shoulder seams, add lower sections to front and back, add lace trim, add lining/facings, clip/turn/press, then sew the sides in one pass. I have 2 UFO's of this to finish for her plus made it two times in knits. All have been made in this way. Flat construction rocks on kids clothes since alot of the areas are small. When she gets back, I will take a photo.

More later this weekend as I have a bunch of sewing room organization to do, a lot of UFO's to finish or move along, and othr housework. I hope it will be a bit easier with 3 kids home rather than 4!

Postscript: She arrived at my mom's and dressed up for the dinner, the top fits and mom thought it was a perfect match for her beige capris. It passed my mom's scrutiny, so that's something...


gwensews said…
That's a totally cute top. I'm sure she'll feel very pretty, wearing this new top out to dinner.
Julia said…
The butterfly fabric is so cute. I'm sure she looked like a doll.

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