No sewing today, yet...

I have been working on rearranging/cleaning the dining room (my sewing space). It was and still is a mess, but I did get the table back against the windows to open the room up, put the serger on the desk and the sewing machine on the table. I put a few things away, but have boxes of UFO's and planned projects plus refashions to do to put away/sort through. I did rip apart a size 14 Hannah Montana tshirt to be refashioned into a size 8 using another tshirt to make up some of the slack from cutting. Dinner and baths first, though. Where did this day go???

I also have a few patterns I want to put in the etsy shop, so I will note that when I get the time.


Julie said…
My dining room is my craft space and I'm supposed to be cleaning it out today. You can't walk through it. I'm reading blogs instead. I'm such a good procrastinator.

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