Another UFO finished!

Another one down, I have so many to go and no motivation to finish them at times. A pair of PJ pants for the oldest, complete with ruffled eyelet lace to complete the girly camo look. I used her B4176 pants pattern, her TNT. When she outgrows the 8, we will have to find another with similar lines. This was using pink/green quilting cotton from the remnant bin at Walmart and stash eyelet from the resale shop, so they were inexpensive. I was going to take a photo of her wearing them after I select a tshirt and applique with the scraps to make a set. She is in need of lightweight spring pajamas. Everything is either very worn or outgrown.

Today I have a relatively quiet day ahead, so I plan on some progress on SOMETHING and on cleaning up the messy work area. Maybe going ahead and cutting out some of the projects that are upcoming. School spring pictures are in two weeks, but I am planning on her wearing her green plisse dress from last summer and the baby wearing a seersucker dress handed down from the oldest that is practically new. The boys will need polos, which I can buy tomorrow when we go shopping and they have navy pants that are new.

More later...


Anonymous said…
Wow, you've been hard at work on the UFOs and they look great!

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