Still busy at something...

I have been sewing some, not for me, though. I am still working on (at the same time), the baby gifts (the package keeps growing), the Urban Indigo charms quilt blocks, a wall hanging for Valentines day and pants for the oldest. I am using a poly/cotton twill from It seems like it will be wrinkle-free or almost. It has been easy to sew, too. I am using bias tape to finish the pocket seam allowance to learn a new finishing skill and to weight the pockets down a bit. I am using the basic Butterick pattern I always use for her. She always needs new pants for school and she is really rough on the clothes. She is down to two pairs of jeans and her fleece ones are getting too short. She plays with the boys like a boy and always looks kind of dusty when she gets home. I never know how she will look when she gets off the bus. The wallhanging is cool, from "Bits and Pieces", a quilting book about mini-quilts, emphasizing hand piecing and hand quilting. I will hand quilt, but not piece. This is actually appliqued hearts, like Maple Sugar molds, 20 of them, 4 rows of 5 in different pinks on a brown background. I have finished machine blanket stitching on all the hearts, now to sandwich and hand quilt around each. Oh, I forget, I need to put a border too. I used mostly Thimbleberries fabric from a lot I got on ebay.

Back to working on those pants. Next a shirt/jacket in corduroy to blend with the pants.


Diana said…
Kids will be kids.. Hhaha..

Bek said…
Sounds like you have a lot on the go!

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