Ok, another one bites the dust...

Not really, just my oldest is sick & skipping school. A tummy ache/bug has been going around at school and I guess she got it, but no fever, no throwing up, just achy. Could be those 3 eggs last night she had for breakfast??? They had pancakes, eggs and fruit, since they rarely have much breakfast in the mornings here. They eat at school and a light one here, so they love pancakes for dinner with some fruit and farm eggs. We limit it to 1x per week because of the eggs. So today will tell, if it's just egg overdose or a bug.

Her pants may be too short, she has grown alot, so they may be saved for capris in a month or two. Otherwise, they are done. The oldest son's are done & he is wearing them today. I used a basic Simplicity pant/top pattern from #4336 in a size 3 with a 4 length for legs. He is 5 years old and skinny b/c of CP. I did something different, using a wide bias strip from quilting cotton to make the casing at the waist with 1" elastic. Made it so much easier to dress him.

I will post a photo of them later. I hope I can accomplish something today, but who knows, with a sick one.


Aw,sorry to hear your little one is ill,hope shes better soon.
I'm so glad to hear some say they have breakfast for dinner once in awhile.We do it ever so often when nothing else really sounds good.Everyone I've ever told things I have lost my mind.

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