New Vogue Patterns

I looked up the new ones from an email I received. There are some nice ones, but I am struck by how vintage-y some were (which is good).
1930's - #8556 with a long dress, slinky-like
1940's - 1086 with the cap sleeves, 8553 & 8554 all three with swingy skirts and 8557 has a silhouette like an old Butterick I have (short-sleeved)
1950's - 1084 & 1094
1960-70's mod - 1090, 1091 and 8552 shift reminds me of the old shifts/housedresses (look at the pose), not that is a bad thing, I think our world is too casual at times and women dressed more than we do for homemaking, because it is a job, a profession, albeit it at times tedious and boring.
1980's - 8563 and 8564 definitely remind me of Dynasty ad Knot's Landing dresses, sans peplums. Feminine Power Suits.

Now these notes were made this morning and I may have shuffled them a bit, so forgive me if my numbers and impressions are a bit off.

A gripe: Renewal notices for magazines I no longer want. They started sending me renewals 6 months ago and the subscription did not expire until Feb/March! Now they are trying to entice me with free issues. Don't care, don't want them, can't afford them right now. Starting in Spring, I am planning on subscribing to BWOF, or may continue buying from individual sources, keeping Sew News, Threads, BMV & Vogue Patterns, and that may be it. EVerything else can go, I think.

I have been working on onesies, diaper covers for a gift, but there hasn't been much time as I am now chasing a crawling baby.

Good night and happy sewing for all...


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