My sewing backstory

I have been reading others histories and decided to join in. I gave a version on Pins and Needles, but not here.

My mother sewed for me, my grandmother sewed alot in her day, usually making her own pattern from RTW in downtown Houston shop windows, making notes and a sketch. I resisted learning how to machine sew, absolutely would not do it. I hand-sewed doll things about 8, learned to crochet and embroider from my grandmother. I fell in love with cross-stitch in my teens and did that for years, now my eyes are too strained to do much with it. I cross-stitched through two pregnancies on bed rest. Fast forward to 2007. I was pregnant again after a recent miscarriage (I have had 3 lost, we have 4 living children, oldest is adopted). At the end of the first trimester in Jan 07, I had an ultrasound, no heartbeat. I was devastated again. I needed something to concentrate on, so I decided to learn patchwork, log cabin blocks, and got a 2nd hand machine from one of the church ladies, for $15 and was hooked. I made 2 log cabin lap quilts, some other items. I was pregnant again in May with the baby that will now be 1 next Saturday. Most of my maternity clothes were now old, so I decided to make a few simple tops. Pants were an atrocity, though. I have never tried again, BTW. I also made a few newborn sized things. After that, made pajama pants for the 3 kids and things for the oldest daughter. I ventured onto more things for me. My favorite is the vintage Simplicity wrap dress, it was flexible for a post-baby body. I wore it to my husband's grandmother's funeral in May. I have learned alot from reading, asking questions, blogging and PR, and trial and error. I have accumulated a agreat stash, both fabric and patterns. I love vintage 40's patterns. I am so grateful to all of you for the knowledge I have gained and your willingness to help. Clothes sewing for me is on hold as I am not sure whether we are expecting again and do not want to make something that I can only use a few times. Maternity clothes may be in order again as I gave away alot. I thought we were done, but maybe the man upstairs has other ideas, I am 41 and was not really gung-ho about being pregnant again. On that, I will keep you posted. Thank you all for your support and encouragement, sewing and otherwise. For now, I am working on kids clothes and quilting, but will continue to post them and their progress. Of course, if I really am pregnant, I will post the maternity things as well. I am going to end now, I need to clean up the kitchen. We had an early cake for the baby as my mom will be having surgery for colon cancer this Friday and wouldn't be able to celebrate her birthday next weekend.


Myra .- Thanks for sharing your story. is really significant that you can find time for his hobbies, taking care of children. A hug and my wishes for health for her mother.

See you soon, Paco
I'm so sorry for all your loses...I can only imagine what you went through. I was devistated when one of my best friends lost hers at 16 weeks.

Congrats...maybe??? Let us know when you know for sure...that's exciting!

I love your story! It's really neat to hear everyone's story.

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