and Baby turns 1...

Today Baby H turns 1! It was a freezing cold night last year when I went to the hospital at 3am after breaking my water. The deck was icing from the drizzle. On the 45 minute drive through the country, we saw every deer in the county by the sides of the road. Now my baby turns a year old. And we are not pregnant, which was bittersweet as we were kinda gearing ourselves up for another, but really do have a full house with 4 and one with CP. But we would have managed and been fine. But it was not meant to be, which is also ok.

Today was spent cleaning carpets and sewing a pair of pajama pants recycled from receiving blankets for the baby. I used B4433, which may be OOP. I was lucky enough to have 2 matching blankets as one would not have been enough. These have been around since the oldest child and were still in great shape, just washed soft. I finished them rather quickly despite many interruptions from the kids. I had to challenge myself for what should have been 1-2-3 and added bias strips for the hem, cut from the flannel. Actually is was easy. This is a good recycle for those little receiving blankets from Gerber, Carters, etc.. If you only have 1, make a sacque (kimono sleeved top) from the vintage reissue from Simplicity. That takes very little material.

I need to start dinner, we are getting into bed early tonight as they were up late with us and the baby's godparents for her birthday last night.


I remember when my kids were that young.It seemed like everytime I turned around,they were having another birthday and I would think about the events when I went into labor with them.They are now 16 and 11 and I still do itand they love hearing about it too.
Bek said…
Happy Bday baby H! Hope you all had a great time celebrating

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