Sunday sewing

Got the red bandanna wrap dress up to pinning the bodice and skirt together. Need to baste, try on and sew together, plus rework ties as I cannot get those darn things to turn right side out, too narrow. I am also thinking about making them blue. I also had to fudge a little as I blended the S2945 in 18 1/2 with the 16, so I made the facings in the 16, which means, of course, they were a little short, but shaped right, and of course, not enough fabric, so we made do. So the facing's seams at the shoulder are off from the bodice's, who is looking inside the dress? Am I getting graded? No, so if it works, just go on. It's already hemmed, so I should have it ready by tomorrow and have pictures. Then it's on to another adventure...


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