Monday sewing

I have put the red dress to rest for a day or so. I am not happy with the neckline and already have it faced and understitched. I really need to hand baste the skirt on to the bodice instead of using pins as it just sticks out and makes me look huge, plus add at least the snaps in back so it closes instead of me holding it together. I may have to cut the neckline a little lower.

Instead I worked on a blouse for my older daughter, a pretty lightweight cotton eyelet, white background with tiny pink roses and olive green leaves to go with olive pants my mom bought her. She refused to try it on, so I am at a standstill. I also have a romper (repeat pattern from last week) cut out for the baby in the eyelet, so they will kind of match. I have so much to sew and not enough time (actually I spend a lot of time in DH's office on the computer and chasing, feeding, etc., 4 kids).

Maybe tonight I will put together the romper... more tomorrow...


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