Mailman was good today, new ebay listings!

I recently posted some things on my ebay store, S 4260, in a size 18, bust 36, for the low starting bid of $.99 plus shipping and a few others, such as vintage boxer shorts pattern for men and hippie vests.

I have had a good morning, but the mail made it better...
A Burda back issue, which are so hard to find for a reasonable price, to try it out, a flirty-skirty apron pattern, 3 yds of fabric, a few housedress type patterns, a kids pattern, and the half-size version of the one I listed today. I fit better into half-sizes.
I have a huge box full of vintage patterns to list on ebay, when I get time, so check out my store, add yourself to the email generated for new listings, and check them out. Some of them are
very unique from the little resale shop here in town that is closing shop.


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