Stash shopping and cherries print dress today:

Went to Hobby Lobby to get more Simplicity on the .99 sale, ended up with 4044 for short sleeve blouse and maybe pants), 3918, 4176, 4487, since view C looks like Mccall 5664. Also had mom buy 3759, 4138, 3673 (retro jumper), 4047 (for wraptie blouse), and some for my 6 yr old. Also ended up buying remnants of boucle (orig would have been $31.00 for $3.00), poly satin in sapphire blue, navy gingham and yardage in pink/brown animal print knit, brown poly satin, brown and black broadcloth. I would love to make 4044 blouse in the sapphire with red piping. I know I am not participating in swap, but want to apply the concept to my future sewing of sticking to colorways, so my main 2 will be 1. browns with pinks and lavendars and 2. black/white/red and other coordinating combo (such as the sapphire and red blouse). First, I have to finish the cherries dress as I may need it in the upcoming week. I decided not to do arm facings, but cut wide bias bindings out of the black solid and they look like cuffs. I am hand stitching them down now. I have already done the same to the pocket openings on the skirt. I still need to finish cleaning up the skirt seams with bias tape, then I can attach the skirt, have my buddy fit the back for the button(s), then put those on and hem. Goal tonight is to finish the arms and bias taping the seams on the skirt. Instead of french seaming, I chose this to give weight to the skirt as it is a wrap and it is very windy in this rural area. All I need is to be at church in the parking lot and have the skirt blow open in front of a bunch of people. I am also putting a few hidden "safety" snaps inside to minimize that risk. At Walmart today, bought a "girdle" to help push the tummy down. I am not so swollen (the baby is only 3 mos old and I have been pregnant several times over the past 5-6 years, counting live births and miscarriages), but I could use help in that area. Gotta get to work now, so Alicia can come over to help tomorrow or Monday to pin me up...


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