Bad week for sewing

This week has been so stressful; my husband's grandmother died, my great-aunt died, so I have not been motivated to do much. I have been trying to hand-hem the black cherry dress to wear Saturday to his grandmother's funeral, but that's it. Today is my aunt's funeral, so I have to finish the dress tonight as we leave early tomorrow.

On a bright note, I have gotten in a bunch of vintage patterns for my oldest daughter and some Simplicity patterns on Hobby Lobby's .99 sale, and began organizing the stash along colorways, so I can plan for the June capsule and start a swap even though the contest is over. I just need clothes as nothing fits after the baby was born. See, I lost weight this pregnancy and am closer to my good normal weight, but not quite there. The larger normal weight clothes are too large. Some of my clothes, I am just tired of looking at. I plan to sew as much as possible as shopping is too taxing on me with 4 small kids and the nearest mall an hour away.

I am looking at brown/pink/purple and back/grey/red (cranberry) for my main areas, so let's see where it goes.

On Ebay, I directed Carolyn to a vintage dress pattern - whenever I do that, I am merely pointing out a possibility for your creation. I hope it works out.


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